Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hey, what's that you're drinkin'?

Hi there, my name's Gabriel, and I love beer.

I'm not a professional writer. I am not a professional photographer. Hell, I'm not even a professional beer taster (or judge). [shameless job hunt plug] I AM: A passionate customer service advocate, manager, project manager, social media and community enthusiast who is looking for work.


What I am, if you ask my friends, is a: beer snob, beer expert, the beer guy, brews moonshine, brews bathtub gin, you want to know about beer - ask Gabe, you want to talk about beer - talk to Gabe, you want to hear about his cat - talk to Gabe (<---wait, what?).

I started my running blog a few months ago by making a list, so to simplify things, here are a few things to know about me:


  • This is what I look like (beard occasionally included) ------->
  • I love beer
  • I love running
  • I am a homebrewer
  • I love brewing beer
  • I love talking about beer
  • I think there is a beer for all occasions
  • I've been to A LOT of brewfests from the Hop Scotch brewfest in Seattle to the Double IPA Festival in Hayward California with stops in Portland and Eugene as well.
  • I was raised in Eugene
  • I don't know of a style of beer I don't like or absolutely won't try to drink
  • I've lived in California, the Bay Area to be specific, for nearly 4 years. I once said I would never move to California (I love it here)
  • I believe that beer can be part of a healthy diet. You may not be able to trust a skinny chef, but you can certainly trust a skinny brewer!
  • I lost nearly 50 pounds while still drinking beer
  • I have run more than 300 consecutive days, including four 1/2 marathon personal records
  • I spent a weekend in San Diego in September '11, visited 12 breweries, sampled more than 60 beers and helped brew a batch of homebrew
  • I think there is a LOT of pretentiousness in brewing, some very subtle
  • I think all beer should have a 'brewed on' and a 'bottled on' date
  • I will drink beer out of a bottle, can, jar, glass, plastic cup, SOLO cup, or right off the tap.
  • I used to HATE beer
  • I could make this list even longer, but I guess if you want to know more you'll have to read some more of my blogs!

What is the goal of this blog? I'd like to share the occasional tidbit with my friends about my experiences with beer. I'd like to have some of my beer friends write a little something and post it in my blog to share their experiences. I want people to understand why I'm so passionate about beer. I want to make 1 million dollars. I want people to learn how awesome and diverse the craft beer community is.


How am I planning on accomplishing this? Original content such as beer opinions, event reviews, brewer interviews and profiles, photo blog (maybe some words, maybe not),


How frequently will this blog be updated? Well, I'd like to think at least every couple of weeks, but there is some competition for my time. I have a running blog that I want to update fairly frequently. I'm still looking for work, so obviously that will take precedence over most of my time. I tweet on Twitter and face on Facebook, so that will take some time. I run every day, that will take some time. I play softball once a week. Like I said, hopefully every couple of weeks, sometimes more, sometimes less.


I recently changed my Twitter handle from 'gjoscott' to @runninghoppy, you can read about why here. You can also witness my obvious super skills of a graphic artist, used to make my new Twitter logo below (I 'drew' that hop cone myself in MS Paint!). 


I'm Gabriel, I love beer and I hope to share my experiences with the cyber-world, my real life friends, and ANYONE WHO WILL LISTEN.

Thanks for reading. Subscribe. Follow. Shower adoration upon me. Whatever you wish, just do it!



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